Monday, December 2, 2013


                                                 Wow, very late with this one. Sorry I haven't
                                                  posted in a while everypony! Hope you've
                                                              been enjoying season 4!

                                         It was kinda sad to see the Elements of Harmony go.

I wonder what is in this chest. Will it be opened in the season finale?

We finally got to see more of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's Castle!

I can't wait to see more episodes.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Happy birthday Lauren Faust!

                                                      Happy birthday Lauren Faust!

We Also had other My Little Pony Birthdays.

Such as:
Andrea Libman as Pinkie pie and Fluttershy,
Claire Corlett as Sweetie belle, and
Steffan Andrews, a song writer for the show.

Happy birthday!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Equestria Girls Reveiw

When Twilight Sparkle's crown is stolen while she is in the Crystal Empire she must enter a whole different world to retrieve it before its too late. To do so she must convince everyone to vote for her to become princess of the fall formal so she can win her crown back.

This is a review of Equestria Girls and what I thought of it. Personally, I thought that it was a great show. I liked that they added some background ponies from the show in there too. For instance, I personally liked how Derpy was shown walking down an aisle in the cafeteria. You can see her in the song "Helping Twilight Win the Crown."

I thought it was nice that they added Trixie, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Cheerilee. I also loved that they added the Crusaders theme song. At the end Scootaloo doing the chicken dance was one of my favorite parts. I'm wondering why they gave Flash the nickname Brad. I have no idea where that came from. One other thing I liked about the show was the theme song remix. I was hoping we would see Cadence and Shining Armor. But sadly we didn't. I thought it was funny how Twilight was still getting used to being a human and not just getting right up, walking, and using her hands. So over all I thought it was a great movie and I would recommend it.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

More Pony info

So Meghan McCarthy has put on Twitter that there is going to be a song in season four and the one who sings it has never sang in the show before. I wonder who.

Meghan McCarthy also said we would have some really good new characterss

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Season 4 info

  Meghan McCarthy, one of the writers of MLP, went on Twitter and answered some Season Four questions

Here are some of them:

Q: Anything cool planned for the CMC in S4?”
A: Yes!

Q: A lot of Bronies are upset about Alicorn Twilight. Without giving anything away, do you think S4 will keep everyone happy?”
A: Yes!

Q: Will we ever see Rarity as the central character again? She stole every scene/episode she was in this season….”
A: Yes!

Q: Any big musical numbers planned for the next season? 'This Day Aria' was amazing!”
A: Yes. So excited about S4 music.

                            Also we are going to see more of Rarity's generosity in season 4.

                                  I hope that this season will be enjoyable for all of you!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


So many things have happened since I have posted. I know very many bronies and pegasisters are not very happy with the way things turned out for Twilight in the season finale. Sorry if you're upset.

But we must accept it.

Many things have happened!

Season 4 has been confirmed with 26 episodes and the My Little Pony fandom has reached all the way to Japan.

 A Rainbow dash relative was in Games Ponies Play. His name is Rainbow Blitz. Rainbow Blitz is Rainbow Dash's father.

There was a fan made pony called Rainbow Blitz before this episode came out, he was a boy version of Rainbow dash.

I hope you all have enjoyed season three.